Using PortScanner Feature in Pinkie More Effectively!

Another must have tool for a network professional is the Port Scanner. It is used to probe a host to see if host is listening on the specified port (open) or not.

Here’s how you can use PortScanner in Pinkie:

  • Scanning Default Ports: To scan the default ports, enter an IP Address, check the Default Ports checkbox then click on the Start Port Scan button.
  • Stop Port Scan: To stop a Port Scan in progress, click on the Stop Port Scan button and in a few seconds it should abort the scan completely.
  • Scan Ad Hoc Ports: To scan a host on an ad hoc basis, enter an IP Address, check the These Ports checkbox, enter the port numbers (separated by “,” & “;” for each port number or by “-” for a range of ports) then click on the Start Port Scan button.
  • Change Default Ports: Default Ports setting can be changed in the Settings Menu. Press F5 to bring up the Application Settings dialog then click on PortScanner tab. Enter new ports as you see fit.

PortScanner can still use a couple of enhancements. If you need something more specific, send in your request now.